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“C.A.R.” Insurance Policy:

We evaluate requests related both to Law 210 of 2004 for down payments and swaps in the private, both to the Merloni law on public procurement; maximum subscription with single insurer for the Works section EUR 200,000,000.00 by delegation or share for higher amounts. We evaluate especially the following risks: wet works, construction of highways, bridges, dams, viaducts, for the CAR related to the law for public work, also ordinary and extraordinary maintenance works. The minimum premium amounts to € 200.00 the rate varies between 1.20 to 1.80 ‰ of the value of the works added together to any pre-existing works to ensure the job site.


Insurance “Decennale Postuma”:

we evaluate all requests related both to Law 210 of 2004 for down payments and swaps in private, both to the Merloni law on public procurement, even when has not been made a CAR policy; maximum subscription with single insurer for the Works section EUR 200,000,000.00 by delegation or share for higher amounts, we do not ask the inspection by a certified company up to sums insured under item “works” equal to to € 4,000. 000,00. The minimum premium is amounting to € 1,300.00 the rate is equal to 3.50 ‰ of the value of the works summed to any pre-existing works to ensure the job site. (Both the minimum premium than the rate that varies depending on the amount and the kind of construction to ensure).




Provisional security in procurement contracts and project finance

We evaluate every kind of call for tenders, even with foreign Contracting Authority, project finance and with no limits of amounts. In case of ATI or RTI we also evaluate requests with co-obligation pro rata and not in solid of the companies participating. In this field we work with reliance quote, totally free, on the various insurance companies affiliated, to ensure speed to the issue of bail.


Performance bond in the procurement contracts and in project finance

We also evaluate requests of subcontractors, although it is expected to pay any fee for the management of the contract, both with Public Institution  beneficiary that Private, and even if a bid bond is not issued through our brokerage business.

Finally we evaluate requests for replacement of ongoing policies with other companies, with maximum amount of € 200,000,000.00 for single request maximum duration of 20 years +1).




Performance bonds, even between private parties


Guaranty for project completion status in procurement contracts, including between private


Guaranty deemed as guarantee tender contracts, also between private


Guarantee in favor of CONSIP, ENEL, AAMS


Guarantee in favor of AGEA, Ministry of Education, Filas, FONDIMRESA, AMVA, PON, POR


Guaranty for regional contributions, provincial, municipal, education, employment and assistance


Guarantee to refund VAT credits for companies in liquidation or deleted


Surety to guarantee payment of the lease payments and the security deposit.


We evaluate requests for guarantees relating to lease contracts of all kinds, commercial (6 + 6) or residential (4 + 4), contracts for transients and foreigners. The guarantee can cover up to 12 monthly fee, the security deposit, the payment of installments of the condominium as well as damage caused to the property during the period of the lease. The duration may be equal to the duration of the contract or renewable from year to year.


Surety in contracts between private individuals


Guaranty for confirmation of financial capacity


Guaranty for public concessions


Guaranty for supplies Italy – Abroad


Guaranty for costs of urbanization and construction costs


Guaranty for Law 210 of 2004 (exchange and sale of properties under construction)


Guaranty for urbanization works


Surety for payment guarantee


Guaranty for foreigner admission

Surety to guarantee public ground occupation


Guaranty for Environment Ministry (waste disposal and transport, inscription to the register)


Guarantee in favor of public authorities


Guaranty for opening / closing quarries


Guaranty for the lottery, tobacco, ACI, slot


Guarantees for arrangements with creditors and bankruptcy, protective measures, suspension of executions, revocation preventive attachments





BID BONDS (deposits provisional)


PERFORMANCE BONDS (definitive securities)


MONEY RETAINANCE BONDS (securities for junction tenths)


ADVANCE PAYMENT BONDS (securities for contract advances)



Other risks:


  • Policy allrisks photovoltaic plants and other renewable energy

(We evaluate any type of plant even with theft with reimbursement of 60%);


  • Policy allrisks installation;


  • RCT / RCO

(even very high ceilings);


  • Policy allrisks pyrotechnic

(including exhibitions);


  • Policy allrisks skiing facilities;


• Insurance RC Transport and Carrier.

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